

FAQ- Uttar Pradesh Assembly Elections 2022

Ans.Uttar Pradesh is one of the most important states in the country. This is a happening state, be it the business, the large industry, or politics. The assembly elections of Uttarpradesh are due to be held in March 2022. There are 403 seats to be filled in the Uttar Pradesh Vidhan Sabha.
Ans. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Indian National Congress (INC), Samajwadi Party, and Bahujansamaj Party are the four major parties competing in Uttar Pradesh.
Ans. The political competition in Uttar Pradesh is tight, and you should have a great campaigning process to stay ahead of the competition. The political ad services of Chunav Chanakya will be able to help you with this. Chunav Chanakya will be able to get your party popularized among all the target audience. The survey, campaigning, poll collection, and marketing are all services that are offered by Chunav Chanakya You and your party are sure to have a higher notch in the branding process with the political management services offered by Chunav Chanakya.
Ans. With the evolution of time, Social Media plays an important role during the election. Voters are now highly engaged on social media channels like Facebook and twitter etc.

Chunav Chanakya, has a specialist social media team along with the graphic designer who takes care of social media channels like Facebook and twitter for the contestant so that their developmental work can be reached to maximum no of voters.

Apart from simply putting the post we also edit videos and put Gifs so that it increases the voter's engagement to much extent. We also submit daily reports to the contestant about the voter’s view so that they can work on the weak issue and can touch the voter’s sentiments and raise their voice to the government.

FAQ-Uttarakhand Assembly Elections 2022

Ans. Uttarakhand Assembly Elections 2022 will be held in March 2022 to elect 70 members of Uttarakhand Legislative Assembly. The term of the current assembly is elected in 2017 and it will expire in March 2022.
Ans. There are so many features required for any party or candidate that can help you to stay ahead of the competition in politics in a few ways.
  • 1. Political Survey.
  • 2. Election Campaigning.
  • 3. Door-to-Door Campaigning.
  • 4. Social Media Campaigning.
  • 5. Opinion Poll Survey.
  • 6. Constituency Management Software.

Here are some of the major tactics that can be used by your party to win more votes. Chunav Chanakya helps you avail all these services at a reasonable price as well.

FAQ- Opinion Poll/ Exit Poll

Ans. During the election, every candidate tries to win the battle over his opponent. But due to lack of proper strategy among the constituents, sometimes a weak candidate wins the election.

Here, we at Chunav Chanakya use technology and try to know the opinion of the voters regarding each candidate and also for the party. This helps us to know the position of each party and candidate. Using this factual data, we help the candidate in building strategies to attract the voters towards them by giving the issue that is prevailing the most among the constituents.

Apart from knowing about the party and candidate we also help the contestant to know about the influential person in the region that could play a vital role during the election.
Ans. Yes, Chunav Chanakya also conducts poll and exit polls for media or TV channels. We provide our services in an unbiased manner and perform well to meet the needs of our customers. It does not matter which platform you are or which party you are from.
Ans. Yes, Chunav Chanakya is a political consulting firm that works at the grassroots level for its customers. We collect data from anywhere in India for our customers because we are located in different places all over India. You can also check our existence anywhere in urban or rural India.

FAQ-Election Campaign Management

Ans. To create an election edge during political campaigning, you need to work as per the requirement of the voters in your constituency. You have to reach the voters and resolve their issues.

To reach out the voters and serve them best service, you must know about their situation and for that, you can do Election campaign management for that. This is the best and the cheapest mode for branding your party.
Ans. Chunav Chanakya is one of the best Election campaign Management Company in India that provides a lot of political services to you in your constituency. Other than that, we provide many other political services like Door to Door Campaigning, Social Media Management, Opinion poll Survey and Digital media campaigning.

We can help you to do the best campaigning and gather the current status of your constituency before Elections.

FAQ-How to register your Voter ID card

Ans. Any person who is:
  • 1) a citizen of India
  • 2) 18 years of age or above on the qualifying date which is presently 1.1.2012.
  • 3) ordinarily resident in Delhi.This includes a student in a University, Institute etc.
  • 4) not disqualified to be a voter e.g. not of unsound mind etc.
Ans. To become a voter you need to fill in the application Form – 6. Once this Form is accepted, your name will be included in the Electoral Roll as a voter.

There are four options you can follow to fill in Form 6 and these are given below :
  • Option I – Online application.
  • Option II – Download Form 6 from the website and send it by post.
  • Option III – Download Form 6 from the website and deliver it personally.
  • Option IV – Personally collect and deliver Form 6.